Sunday, July 24, 2016

Art Licensing: Exceptional Marketing Outside-The-Box = National Coloring Book Day

Marketing is imperative in selling products to consumers. And, Dover Publications absolutely thought outside-the-box in promoting coloring books in the United States by getting permission last year from the U.S. Registrar to observe August 2 each year as National Coloring Book Day (NCBD). Companies, organizations and individuals besides Dover are endorsing National Coloring Book Day on August 2 by having parties, book signings, coloring contests, and other activities throughout the United States.

Coloring Parties
By searching the Internet, you can read a large number of articles mentioning upcoming events celebrating National Coloring Book Day this August 2. Adult coloring parties sponsored by various organizations, companies, and individuals will take place in libraries, community centers, bookstores, cafes, private homes, and other locations. Persons are invited to attend most of the events at no cost. For instance, on August 2, Thunder Bay Press is sponsoring and providing coloring books and colored pencils for the coloring day event at 12 bookstores across the country. To find other locations for NCBD parties throughout the U.S., view Dover's National Coloring Book Day website.

Artist Signings
Dover Publications is sponsoring meet-and-greet artists across the country where several artists will sign copies of their coloring books. Note: Other coloring book publishers are also probably having artist-signing events but I did not have the time to search the Internet.

Contests and Giveaways
Coloring contests and giveaways are also found on the Internet. For instance, publisher Leisure Arts is having a "National Coloring Book Giveaway" contest. Note: There are many other coloring contests and giveaways on the Internet.

Continuous marketing by hundreds of companies, organizations and individuals like the NCBD events help to keep the adult coloring book industry alive. And, offering free parties brings in more consumers wishing to purchase books as they discover the therapeutic value coloring has including the fun and sharing of their colored creations with others.

Related Articles:
• "Art Licensing: What's With the Adult Coloring Book Craze?"

• "Art Licensing: Update on Adult Coloring Craze"

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Joan,

    I'll be sure to keep this post and to check out the links you've provided. Who would have thought there would be an actual coloring day? I love that idea.
    Happy Heart Thanks,
