Get inspiration by visiting 12 artist blogs for a meet and greet. Artist Aaron Christensen is hosting a "blog hop" tour of artists Barbara Johansen-Newman, Beth Logan, Brenda Pinnick, J. Wrecker-Frisch, Karen Embry, Paula Joerling, Phyllis Dobbs, Samantha Walker, Sharon Himes, Shelly Comiskey, Sue Zipkin and of course Aaron featuring their studios and art. Each artist has a list of artists on the blog hop and a forward and backward button to link to the next artist on the list. Start the tour at "Hi Resolution - A New Year's Studio Meet and Greet."
I drooled over the studios! But whether you use only a corner in the family room, work in the basement, on the kitchen table, or your studio is in a closet as was Mary Engelbreit's first one, it is the creativity that counts when licensing art. Where you create does not matter :)
What a great resource! Thanks for sharing. I posted about the Blog Hop on my own blog -
great idea...I always enjoy visiting artist studio, dead or alive!