Wednesday, September 2, 2009

You are not Alone - The Trials and Tribulations of Other Artists

What better way not to feel alone and to inspire you is by reading about how other artists got started in licensing, their trials, their tribulations and eventually their success. Artist Kate Harper has posted several artist's stories on her blog. These stories might make you sad, or laugh, or make you say to yourself that I've been there but they show that you aren't the only one struggling to license your art. You too can have success!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joan -

    my dear friend, and fellow JMS artist, Kate Pitner, suggested I visit your blog - apparently your name was in an art article I had sent her some time ago...(wish I could recall and share with you). Anyway, what a wealth of valuable info you share, thank you. Now, off to play with my wacom tablet and PS. Thank you, Joan.
