Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Art Licensing Resource - Surtex Newsletter

The Surtex show's newsletter called On The Surface has really interesting articles on art licensing and allows artists/agents that are exhibiting to place editorials. The newsletter usually is published around January thru June each year but they surprised us this year and published a September issue. This issue has the usual good articles including one by Francesca Ash (editor of Total Art Licensing magazine) on "Industry's Future is Bright . . . If Artists Take the Right Steps." Click here for the link of the On the Surface September issue. To check out other On the Surface issues, click here for the link.

1 comment:

  1. We're thrilled to report that On The Surface will now be year round, so stayed tuned for more exciting and informative articles! Thanks Joan for your positive commentary!
    Penny Sikalis
    VP/Show Manager SURTEX
